PO Box 109
EX20 9BF.

07715 621480

Current Trustees and Staff

Ex officio Trustees

Rev Stephen Cook
Team Rector

Mrs Janet Carpenter

Mr Allenton Fisher
Mayor of Okehampton

Mrs Janet Carpenter

Mr Bob Tolley
Past Mayor of Okehampton

Nominated Trustees – Okehampton Town Council

Mr John Simmons
Director of Miller Town & Country

Dr Michael Ireland
Retired Associate Lecturer – University of Plymouth

Nominated Trustees – Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council

Mrs Maria Cooper
Agriculture Manager, Mole Avon

Mr Phillip Davies
Retired Veterinary Surgeon

Co-opted Trustees

Mr Ross Campbell

Mr Daryll Chapman
(Chair of OUC)
Retired Chief Executive Officer,
Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust
Previous Principal Okehampton College

Mrs Joanna Morgan
Fundraising Manager

Mrs Jenny Gibbons
Emeritus Professor of Law Exeter

Mrs Christine Marsh
Local Councillor

Dr Phil Murray
Retired Scientist


Chris Owen
FCCA – Treasurer

Karen Percival
Charity Manager and Clerk CG (Affiliated)

Sally-Ann White
Assistant Clerk

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